8. Design Coupon System
Step 1. Scenario 场景
1.1 Coupon Types
- Rebate Coupon 满减券
- For example, a "spend 20 off" rebate coupon would mean that a customer needs to spend at least 20 discount.
- Discount Coupon 折扣券
- This type of coupon reduces the price by a certain percentage, such as 10% off, 20% off, or 50% off.
- Promotion Code 促销码
- A promotion code is a voucher that offers special deals, or discounts to encourage customers to make a purchase.
- These codes can take various forms, such as buy-one-get-one-free offers, free shipping, or additional free items with a purchase.
1.2 Core Concepts
- Issue Coupons 发券
- Synchronous sending.
- Asynchronous sending.
- Get Coupons 领券
- Who: All users or specified users
- Limit: The maximum number of coupons for one single user can get.
- How: User to get coupons or system to send coupons to users.
- Use Coupons 用券
- Scope: Product, category, or storewide.
- Validation: Whether the coupon is valid.
1.3 Requirements Analysis
- Merchant Side
- Create Coupons 创建优惠券
- Distribute Coupons 发放优惠券
- User Side
- Get Coupons
- Place Order
- Use Coupons
- Payment
- Platform Side
- Statistics and Tracking 统计与追踪
- Amount Verification 金额核销
Step 2. Service 服务
设计优惠券系统 Coupon System 相关服务
2.1 Microservice Architecture
- Gateway
- Payment Service and DB
- Order Service and DB
- Coupon Service and DB
- Notification Service and DB
2.2 Challenges
- Distributed Transaction Issues 券的分布式事务问题
- Coupon over-issuance 如何防止超发券
- Distribute Coupons to Users on a Large Scale 如何大规模发券
- Limit Coupon Usage Conditions 如何限制券的使用条件
- Getting Coupons Multiple Times 如何防止用户重复领券
Step 3. Storage 存储
3.1 Database Design
1. Coupon Batch (Coupon Template) 优惠券模版
- This refers to an abstract template representing a group of coupons. 指一批优惠券的抽象与模板
- The coupon batch or template allows businesses to easily generate multiple coupons with the same conditions
2. Coupon 优惠券
- A coupon refers to an individual entity that has been issued to a user and is belong to their account.
3. Rules 规则
- Coupon Usage Rules and Conditions, such as a "spend 50 off"
3.2 Coupon - Create 创建
- Create a coupon rule
INSERT INTO rule (name, type, rule_content)
VALUES("RULE_1", 0, '{
threshold: 100
amount: 10
- Create a coupon template
INSERT INTO coupon_batch (coupon_name, rule_id, total_count )
VALUES("Product_A_Coupon", 1010, 10000);
3.3 Coupon - Distribute 分发
- Select user tags, groups and assign a coupon distribution task to the task queue. 选择用户标签,将发券任务分配给任务队列。
- The task queue will assign the task to the worker.
- Worker server will get the task and send the coupon to the user.
INSERT INTO coupon (user_id, coupon_id,batch_id)
VALUES(1001, 66889, 1111);
-- use transaction to ensure ACID
UPDATE coupon_batch SET total_count = total_count - 1, assign_count =
assign_count + 1
WHERE batch_id = 1111 AND total_count > 0;
3.4 Coupon - Notification Service 通知
- Message SMS
- Inbox Message
Challenge - Mass Push Notification
- Send messages only to active users. For example, out of 10 million users, only 20% are monthly active users, we only send to them. 只给活跃用户发通知。
- Check if the user is online before sending the message. 检查用户是否在线。
- Split the notification database table into multiple tables to save network traffic from repeatedly sending the same notification content. 将消息表分拆,以节约重复发送通知内容的网络流量。
3.5 Coupon - Get 领取
- Check coupon balance 检查优惠券的数量
SELECT total_count FROM coupon_batch
WHERE batch_id = 1111;
- Insert a row into coupon table and deduct the balance 新增数据并扣除余额
INSERT INTO coupon (user_id, coupon_id,batch_id)
VALUES(1001, 66889, 1111);
-- use transaction to ensure ACID
UPDATE coupon_batch SET total_count = total_count - 1, assign_count =
assign_count + 1
WHERE batch_id = 1111 AND total_count > 0;
Challenge - Prevent users from getting coupons multiple times
Solution 1: Redis Caching
- Check the cache before getting coupons 领券前先查缓存
- 语法:
- 作用: 判断成员元素是否是集合的成员。
- 实例:
SISMEMBER batch_id:1111:user_id 1001
Get coupons
Update the cache after getting coupons 领券后更新缓存
- 语法:
- 作用: 将一个或多个成员元素加入到集合中,已经存在于集合的成员元素将被忽略。
- 实例:
SADD batch_id:1111:user_id 1001
3.6 Coupon - Use 使用
When to check if the user can use this coupon?
- Checkout Page [x]
- Shopping Cart
On the Checkout Page, verify the coupon:
- Check if expired 是否过期
- Check if could use for the product 是否能用于该商品
- Check if the usage amount is met 是否满足使用金额
- Check if coupons are overlapping 是否重叠/互斥
SELECT batch_id FROM coupon WHERE user_id = 1001 AND status = 0;
SELECT rule_id FROM coupon_batch WHERE batch_id = 1111;
SELECT name, type, rule_content FROM rule WHERE rule_id = 1010;
Challenge - Consistency Issue in Distributed Systems
Solution 1: Distributed Transaction Pattern: TCC
- Use a coupon operation record table to record if the operation of each stage is successful. 使用优惠券操作记录表,记录每个阶段的操作是否成功。
create table t_coupon_opt_record
user_id int null comment '用户id',
coupon_id int null comment '优惠券id',
operating int null comment '操作,0-locked、1-used、2-available',
operated_at datetime null comment '操作时间'
- Try-Confirm-Cancel, 分布式事务主流解决方案之一
- Step1. Try
- 对资源进行冻结,预留业务资源
- 创建订单时,将优惠券状态改为 "冻结"
- Step2. Confirm
- 真正执行业务逻辑
- 订单创建成功后,将优惠券状态改为 "已使用"
- Step3. Cancel
- 释放 Try 阶段预留的业务资源
- 订单创建失败后,将优惠券状态改为 "未使用"
Step 4. Scale 扩展
4.1 Challenge - Expiring Coupon Reminder 过期券提醒
- Solution 1: Scheduling Task
- 定时扫券表
- 扫描数据量太大,随着历史数据越来越多,会影响线上主业务,最终导致慢SQL。
- Solution 2: Setup Time-To-Live
- 失效时间
- 有些券的有效时间太长了(30天)以上,有可能造成大量 MQ 积压
- Solution 3: Use a Notify table to record
- 使用通知表去记录
- 扫描的数据量小,效率高。删除无用的已通知的数据记录
The design of notify table 通知表设计
create table t_notify_msg
id bigint auto_increment comment '自增主键',
coupon_id bigint null comment '券id',
user_id bigint null comment '用户id',
notify_day varchar(255) null comment '需要执行通知的日期',
notify_type int null comment '通知类型,1-过期提醒',
notif_time timestamp null comment '通知的时间,在该时间戳所在天内通知',
status int null comment '通知状态,0-初始状态、1-成功、2-失败',
constraint t_notify_msg_id_uindex
unique (id)
alter table t_notify_msg
add primary key (id);
Coupons' Time-To-Live Reminder Process 优惠券过期时间提醒:
- Insert the reminder records into the
table when creating coupons. 创建优惠券时,插入提醒记录到通知表中。 - Use
userId + batchId + notifyDate
as the unique index, to avoid duplicate record notifications in the same batch, and ensure that you will only be notified once a day. 防止同一个批次有重复的记录通知,保证每天只会被通知一次。 - Create
, as index, and the daily notification scan is queried through this index column. 建立通知时间索引,每日的通知扫描该列。 - After the notification is completed, delete the data through the scheduled task. 通知完成后,通过定时任务删除数据。
4.2 API Traffic Limiting
- Frontend traffic limiting
- 点击一次后,按钮短时间内置灰
- 防止重复点击
- Backend traffic limiting
- 部分请求直接跳转到繁忙页
- 参考其他常规限流方法